Parque Nacional Amboró (Zona Norte)

Parque Nacional Amboró (Zona Norte)

El Parque Amboró es una obra maestra ecológica de cerca de medio millón de hectáreas. El parque está ubicado en una posición geográfica única en la confluencia de 3 ecosistemas diferentes: la Amazonía , el norte del Chaco y los Andes (en ningún otro lugar del mundo existe tal convergencia de ecosistemas). Parque Amboró contiene más de 800 especies de aves, más que los Estados Unidos y Canadá juntos!

Por su posición geográfica única el parque contiene una variedad de flora y fauna increíble: especies de animales de las tierras altas y bajas, árboles valorados por su madera fina como la Mara , palmeras como la Chonta , una gran variedad de bromelias y orquideas y bosques de helechos gigantes.

El Parque Amboró también es la casa del jaguar, el oso de anteojos y otras especies de mamíferos nativos de la Amazonía.

Quizás lo más impresionante es el número de aves que habitan el área, es uno de los lugares con mayor concentración de aves por km 2 en el mundo.

La conservación del Parque Amboró es de interés científico y vital para la humanidad, considerando que el parque es una de las regiones más diversas en el mundo con flora y fauna única. El norte del parque es el área más húmeda, y puede ser descrito como bosque húmedo tropical o jungla. En esta parte del parque, se encuentran cascadas hermosas y lugares naturales para nadar en agua cristalina.

Parque Nacional Amboró: más de 2.659 especies de plantas registradas, 127 mamíferos, 105 reptiles, 73 anfibios y 842 especies de aves. Sólo 50% del parque ha sido explorado profundamente.


El tour a Amboró empieza en Santa Cruz a las 6:30 a.m. cuando un vehículo te llevará al pueblo de Buena Vista. Allí estará nuestro guía esperando para recibirte y trasladarte al Centro de Interpretación del Parque Amboró. En este centro nuestro guía te ilustrará con interesante información sobre el parque y los senderos que estás a punto de recorrer.

Luego de esta visita, un vehículo te llevará en aproximadamente 1.5 horas a un punto cercano al Parque, lugar donde darás inicio a tu caminata por este paraíso tropical. Durante este recorrido -cruzando ríos y quebradas) hasta el campamento de guarda parques, ya es posible observar monos, tucanes, ardillas y otros animales silvestres.

A lo largo de las diferentes caminatas de exploración en el Parque, nuestro guía te explicará todo sobre las diferentes huellas de animales que se encuentran y sobre la fauna y flora circundante. Verás hermosas cataratas y piscinas naturales de aguas cristalinas donde podrás refrescarte y nadar. Además de plantas, árboles y animales. Dado que el parque está ubicado en a confluencia entre los Andes, el Chaco y la Amazonía, podrás encontrar especies de estos tres ecosistemas en el parque.

Mientras más tiempo dure tu estadía en el parque, mayores serán las posibilidades de encontrar más y diferente vida silvestre amazónica.

Video Parque Nacional Amboró (1)

Video Parque Nacional park Amboró (2)

River Amboro NP
Cliff Amboro NP
Waterfall - Amboro national park, Bolivia
View - Amboro national park
Amboro national park
waterfall - Amboro national park

Tour incluye:

  • Guía con experiencia
  • Transporte hotel – Parque Amboró – hotel
  • Material de camping
  • Comidas acompañadas de agua mineral en botella
  • Opcional a costo extra: ayudante del guía (porter)

Recomendamos llevar:

  • Backpack / Mochila grande
  • Sandalias de goma (o zapatos que pueden mojarse y ensuciarse)
  • Repelente contra los mosquitos
  • Protector solar
  • Gorra
  • Binoculares
  • Pantalón y camisa con mangas largas
  • Impermeable/chaqueta
  • Traje de baño
  • Copia de tu pasaporte


  • ´The tour that we went on was wonderful. My sister and I were on a very tight time schedule and arrived in Santa Cruz with NO idea who to go on a tour with. But needing to organize one for the next day. We met the owners of Ruta Verde and were sold! It was so simple to organize; everything was just so easy and uncomplicated. I was originally worried that the trekking would be difficult and that ... well basically I wouldn't make it! But I loved the peaceful walking mixed with the interesting notes on the flora and fauna that we could see. Our guide was so gorgeous; he was honest, genuine and knew everything that we could ever hope to know - the medicinal properties of the plants as well as the behavior of the animals that we could see. The waterfalls were amazing and the views stunning. The spider monkeys and the (ok I'm forgetting the name now.... ManoMono? I know that's wrong, but there was a brown monkey that we chased along a path and watched while he swung throu gh the trees and I can't remember which species he was...If you can figure out who I mean, please fill in the blanks!!!) were brilliant. I was so excited to see the animals in their natural habitat. The spider monkeys were shaking branches in the trees; our guide explained that it was to prove who was stronger to the other males in another tree. At night we sat quietly and waited until the nocturnal animals appeared. Our guide also explained the origins of the park and the inhabitants who live on the outskirts. The food was great. The insight into life in the jungle was simply amazing and a wonderful experience that I would recommend to anyone.´

    Kat Hamer Australia
  • ´I've done a Bolivia trip (with my lonely planet) for two months. I've been, in 2 months, with A LOT of different tour agencies. Ruta Verde Tour Agency was definitely my favorite. Everything was perfectly organized (which is not that common in Bolivia !) and very sympatic. I took the Amboro park tour for couple of days and I can assure you that it was the best days of my travel. One of the things that I did like the most with this agency is that they hire local guides for most of their trips (which helps a lot of people). So, from my personal experience, you should expect an well organized tour agency with the best prices and enjoy a wonderful trip in the Amboro park with a local guide, from who you will learn unforgettable things...The agency also speak Spanish, English and Dutch. I'm not working for anyone, I'm just leaving this comment because I think that this agency should be known by every traveler in Bolivia. Have a nice trip!´

    Étienne Gauthier Canada
  • ´What to say about Amboro National Park, the words amazing, beautiful, spectacular, awesome all to come to mind but these superlatives aren't enough, you need to touch it, feel it, hear it, taste it to get the true Amboró experience with Ruta Verde and after you do you never forget it, its fantastic!!! Thanks a million for the experience.´

    James Gradwell South Africa
  • 'I spent 4 days in Amboro in April with Ruta Verde's excellent, knowledgeable local guide. The trip was well organised and the lowland rainforest considerably different from the cloud forest seen in the higher areas of the park. A four day trip allowed me to explore some of the more remote areas off the beaten track that would be virtually impossible to find without a guide.

    David Eggleton UK
  • 'Buenos Dias Gijs; The Amboro trek definitely met my expectations. It was incredible, in large part due to the epertise of the guide. He really is a great guide. I don't know from first-hand experience, but I strongly suspect that he is one of the best guides in the business. He is very patient, calm and observant. I'm a fair bird-watcher, etc. but I don't think I once spotted a bird or monkey before the guide did! --- and his sure-footed waltz up the stream boulders is a joy to watch.We stayed four nights at the Rio Macuñucu cave and did day-hikes. We saw green-cheeked parakeets (like my Tikka!), lots of Mitred parakeets (red head) and we often saw the Military Macaws who nest in the cliffs. We saw two types of monkey, lots of other kinds of birds, lots of trees and vines; went swimming, great hiking, and the food was great.Overall, I loved the trip and would (might?) do it again.

    Mac Mestayer USA
  • 'My wife Uschi Janssen and I thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Parque Amboro (2-4 September 2010). Our guide Julian was most helpful and really made an effort to show us the diversity of wildlife. We were lucky to see small monkeys and a lot of different birds including all kinds of parrots and tukans. Do?a Roci prepared nice meals at the caba?a which, while very basic, is a pleasant place to be. Wild pigs crossed our path and we saw traces of the panther. We will not forget the quietness at night and the sounds of numerous birds. Many thanks and best wishes. Jan Tuit´

    Jan Tuit & Uschi Janssen Netherlands
  • 'Hallo Gijs, even een mailtje om te laten weten dat we erg genoten hebben van de Refugio Los Volcanes. Alles was echt super goed geregeld. Van het vervoer van en naar de Refugio, de wandelingen met de nodige uitleg over de omgeving en ook het eten was heerlijk! We hebben nog een kleine week in Samaipata doorgebracht waar we hebben gerelaxed bij Marga en Pieter op hun kleine landgoedje La Víspera. Nu weer terug in Sucre, waar het wel net zo warm, maar zeker de helft minder groen is. Groeten van, Alex en Ariana´

    Alex en Ariana Smallegoor Netherlands
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